Refund and Returns Policy

Application for Returns/Refunds

Subject to the terms and conditions in this Refunds and Return Policy and the Terms of Service, Buyer may apply for return of the purchased items (“Item”) and/or refund prior to the expiry of the I Enjoy Soap Guarantee Period as stated in the Terms of Service. I Enjoy Soap Guarantee is a service provided by I Enjoy Soap, on User’s request, to assist Users in dealing with certain conflicts which may arise during the course of a transaction. Users may communicate with each other privately to resolve their differences or approach their relevant local authorities to assist them in overcoming any dispute prior, during or after using Faraday Gear Guarantee.

  1. Application for the Return of an ItemBuyer may only apply for the refund and/or return of the Item in the following circumstances:
    • The Item has not been received by Buyer;
    • The Item was defective and/or damaged on delivery;
    • Seller has delivered an Item that does not match the agreed specification (e.g. wrong size, colour, etc.) to Buyer;
    • The Item delivered to Buyer is materially different from the description provided by Seller in the listing of the Item; or
    • By way of private agreement with Seller and Seller must send his/her confirmation to I Enjoy Soap confirming such agreement.

Buyer’s application must be submitted via the I Enjoy Soap Gear contact form.

I Enjoy Soap will review each Buyer’s application on a case-by-case basis and, in its sole discretion, determine whether Buyer’s application is successful.

In the event where Buyer has commenced legal action against Seller, Buyer may provide the formal notification from the appropriate authority to I Enjoy Soap to request I Enjoy Soap to continue to hold the purchase monies until a formal determination is available.I Enjoy Soap will, at its sole and absolute discretion, determine whether it is necessary to continue to hold such purchase monies.

  1. Rights of Seller

When I Enjoy Soap receives an application from Buyer for the return of the Item and/or refund, I Enjoy Soap will notify Seller in writing. Seller may respond to Buyer’s application according to the steps provided by I Enjoy Soap in the written notification. Seller must respond within the time-frame stipulated in the written notification (the “Stipulated Period”). Should I Enjoy Soap not hear from Seller within the Stipulated Period, I Enjoy Soap will assume that Seller has no response to Buyer’s application and will proceed to assess Buyer’s application without further notice to Seller. I Enjoy Soap will review each Seller’s response on a case-by-case basis and, in its sole discretion, determine whether Buyer’s application may be successful against the circumstances stated by Seller.

  1. Condition of Returning Item

To enjoy a hassle-free experience when returning the Item, Buyer should ensure that the Item, including any complimentary items such as accessories that come with the Item, must be returned to Seller in the condition received by Buyer on delivery. We will recommend Buyer to take a photo of the Item upon receipt.

  1. Liability of Product Return Shipping Fee
  2. i) In the scenario of an unforeseen error from the seller’s end (i.e – damaged, faulty or wrong product delivered to the buyer), the seller will bear buyer’s return shipping fee.
    ii) In the scenario of the buyer’s change of mind, buyer shall get seller’s consent prior to the return request and buyer will bear the return shipping fee.
    iii) In the scenario where both seller-buyer disputing the party liable for the return shipping fee, I Enjoy Soap at its sole discretion will determine the party liable for the return shipping fee.
  3. Refunds

Buyer will only be refunded after I Enjoy Soap has received the confirmation from Seller that Seller has received the returned Item. In the event where I Enjoy Soap does not hear from Seller within a specified time, I Enjoy Soap will be at liberty to refund the applicable sum to Buyer without further notice to Seller. The refund will be made to Buyer’s credit/debit card or designated bank account, whichever is applicable.

  1. Communication Between Buyer and Seller

I Enjoy Soap encourages Users to communicate with each other in the event where problem arises in a transaction. As I Enjoy Soap is a platform for Users to conduct trading, Buyer should contact Seller directly for any issue relating to the Item purchased

  1. Application for Returns/Refunds

Subject to the terms and conditions in this Refunds and Return Policy and the Terms of Service, Buyer may apply for return of the purchased items (“Item”) and/or refund prior to the expiry of the I Enjoy Soap Guarantee Period as stated in the Terms of Service. I Enjoy Soap Guarantee is a service provided by I Enjoy Soap, on User’s request, to assist Users in dealing with certain conflicts which may arise during the course of a transaction. Users may communicate with each other privately to resolve their differences or approach their relevant local authorities to assist them in overcoming any dispute prior, during or after using I Enjoy Soap Guarantee.

  1. Application for the Return of an ItemBuyer may only apply for the refund and/or return of the Item in the following circumstances:
    • The Item has not been received by Buyer;
    • The Item was defective and/or damaged on delivery;
    • Seller has delivered an Item that does not match the agreed specification (e.g. wrong size, colour, etc.) to Buyer;
    • The Item delivered to Buyer is materially different from the description provided by Seller in the listing of the Item; or
    • By way of private agreement with Seller and Seller must send his/her confirmation to Faraday Gear confirming such agreement.

Buyer’s application must be submitted via the I Enjoy Soap Contact Form.

I Enjoy Soap will review each Buyer’s application on a case-by-case basis and, in its sole discretion, determine whether Buyer’s application is successful.

In the event where Buyer has commenced legal action against Seller, Buyer may provide the formal notification from the appropriate authority to I Enjoy Soap to request I Enjoy Soap to continue to hold the purchase monies until a formal determination is available. I Enjoy Soap will, at its sole and absolute discretion, determine whether it is necessary to continue to hold such purchase monies.

  1. Rights of Seller

When I Enjoy Soap receives an application from Buyer for the return of the Item and/or refund, I Enjoy Soap will notify Seller in writing. Seller may respond to Buyer’s application according to the steps provided by I Enjoy Soap in the written notification. Seller must respond within the time-frame stipulated in the written notification (the “Stipulated Period”). Should I Enjoy Soap not hear from Seller within the Stipulated Period, I Enjoy Soap will assume that Seller has no response to Buyer’s application and will proceed to assess Buyer’s application without further notice to Seller. I Enjoy Soap will review each Seller’s response on a case-by-case basis and, in its sole discretion, determine whether Buyer’s application may be successful against the circumstances stated by Seller.

  1. Condition of Returning Item

To enjoy a hassle-free experience when returning the Item, Buyer should ensure that the Item, including any complimentary items such as accessories that come with the Item, must be returned to Seller in the condition received by Buyer on delivery. We will recommend Buyer to take a photo of the Item upon receipt.

  1. Liability of Product Return Shipping Fee
  2. i) In the scenario of an unforeseen error from the seller’s end (i.e – damaged, faulty or wrong product delivered to the buyer), the seller will bear buyer’s return shipping fee.
    ii) In the scenario of the buyer’s change of mind, buyer shall get seller’s consent prior to the return request and buyer will bear the return shipping fee.
    iii) In the scenario where both seller-buyer disputing the party liable for the return shipping fee, Faraday Gear at its sole discretion will determine the party liable for the return shipping fee.
  3. Refunds

Buyer will only be refunded after I Enjoy Soap has received the confirmation from Seller that Seller has received the returned Item. In the event where I Enjoy Soap does not hear from Seller within a specified time, I Enjoy Soap will be at liberty to refund the applicable sum to Buyer without further notice to Seller. The refund will be made to Buyer’s credit/debit card or designated bank account, whichever is applicable.

  1. Communication Between Buyer and Seller

I Enjoy Soap encourages Users to communicate with each other in the event where problem arises in a transaction. As I Enjoy Soap is a platform for Users to conduct trading, Buyer should contact Seller directly for any issue relating to the Item purchased